Two Year-long Astrology Program in Enallaktiki Paideia.

Pre-registrations for the 2-Year Astrology Program at Enallaktiki Paideia have already begun! Register by June 30th and benefit 10% discount on tuition fees!

Once it was a vision. Today, after 8 consecutive years of operation, hundreds of graduates, after upgrading the quality of the curriculum as well as the human resources, we can proudly say that we have literally changed the way people are approaching Astrology.

Enallaktiki Paideia managed to innovate, given that there is a huge amount of astrological information available, often of dubious origin and credibility. It is impossible for someone to assimilate and make sense of all this fragmentary data without the right guidance.

Our school collected and organized this huge amount of information and formed the basic study cycle in a structured and hierarchical study program, with distinct topics, that lasts two years. By “building” from the ground up, with method and system, and putting all this chaos in order, we help the student to grasp the thread of astrological knowledge from the start, by answering questions in every step, providing additional hours of propping teaching and personalized guidance by experienced and specialized teachers.

This is a complete two-year astrological studies program, designed in such a way to give students a Certificate of Studies and the ability to practice Astrology professionally, if they wish to.

First and foremost, Astrology is a self-awareness and self-improvement tool that offers a deeper understanding of oneself and others. All graduates, upon completing their studies, are able to make astrological assessments, chart analysis and predictions, in order to prepare for the future as well as give answers on personal issues.

Classes are held on a weekly basis (one fixed day per week for 4 hours), with a different teacher every two hours and a 20 minute break in-between. Semesters begin on October and February. In addition, practical application tutorials are held on a weekly basis (2 or 3 hour long), depending on the level and needs of the students. A separate tutorial is held every Sunday for those watching online.

In Enallaktiki Paideia, we are concerned in all students understanding the subject matter, regardless of age, educational or social level. We share the maxim: “Knowledge alone does not give power, but the way we use it does”.


Two-year program


18 months

Course Cycles:





Difficulty Level of 1st Course Cycle


Difficulty Level of 2st Course Cycle


Online attendance option

Topics of the First Course Cycle
Tropical zodiac
Basic knowledge of Astronomy
History and philosophy of Astrology
Sign’s qualities and properties
Planets and Rulers
Planets in signs
Planets in houses
The 12 Houses Interpretation
Planetary aspects
Aspect Patterns
Retrograde planets
Lunar Nodes
Black Moon
Other points (Vx, Eq Asc, Part of Fortune)
Draconic Astrology
Karmic Astrology
Introduction to Transits
Practical training (in tutorials)
Learning Solar Fire – professional astrology software
The tutorials are held only during the 1st cycle and have a duration of 2 hours per week
Practical application Tutorials

Our school’s great innovation is the additional teaching hours of putting astrological knowledge into practice. Students learn how to work methodically and systematically on their own chart in order to apply and understand the acquired knowledge.

Tutorials are held every day and cover different levels of study material so that everyone can attend (beginner, intermediate and advanced).  

Distance learners enjoy the privilege of participating in classroom tutorials, as well as exclusively structured online ONLY tutorials, so they can have better understanding, and pay attention without being distracted by classroom’s noise.

Second Course Cycle Topics
Planetary Transits
Progression Forecasting Systems
Secondary Progressions
Solar Arc
Transiting Nodes
Solar Returns
Lunar Returns
Other Planets Returns
Natal chart Synastry
Progressed Synastry
Composite Charts
Introduction to Electional Astrology
Sidereal-Lahiri Zodiac System and Self Synastries
Synodic cycles
Introduction to Horary Astrology
Counseling and ethical code of the Professional Astrologer
Second Cycle Specialization Courses
Optional Second Cycle Specialization Courses (Mr. Dimitris Koronakis)

Medical Astrology
Political (Mundane) Astrology
Stock Market Astrology
Barbault Cyclical Index (economy, wars, geopolitics)

The Second cycle’s optional courses last 3 hours per week, and tuition is charged separately, although at a special very low price for students of our school, as long as they are following the course.

Hellenistic Astrology
Horary and Electional Astrology
Therapeutic Astrology and Health

For more information or clarification visit our FAQ page or contact us at +30 211 184 8099




TELEPHONE: (+30) 211 184 8099 , 210 52 31 788

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